Roberto Henry Ebelt
02/09/2011 | Cuban Blogger Yoani Sánchez Awarded CEPOS Freedom Prize in Denmark.
Cuban Blogger Yoani Sánchez Awarded CEPOS Freedom Prize in Denmark; Forbidden to Leave Cuba—Ceremony To Take Place May 5, 2011 in Copenhagen.
(Source: internet)
Como já expliquei anteriormente, manchetes são especialmente difíceis de ser entendidas. Essa dificuldade aflige até mesmo falantes nativos do idioma em que as manchetes foram redigidas. A razão disso é que os meios de comunicação tentam, sempre que possível, excitar a curiosidade dos leitores, para que lendo as manchetes (headlines) eles sintam curiosidade de ler o artigo completo. Assim sendo, nem sempre a manchete é clara o suficiente para ser perfeitamente entendida. A manchete acima apresenta três frases, e em nenhuma delas o(s) verbo(s) estão sendo utilizados corretamente. Vejamos como seria a primeira manchete se tivesse sido escrita em inglês formal e não jornalístico:
Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez was awarded CEPOS Freedom Prize in Denmark.
Uma das principais ruas da metrópole castrista.
A blogueira cubana Yoani Sánchez foi agraciada com (recebeu) o Prêmio da Liberdade denominado CEPOS, na Dinamarca. Note que o verbo TO BE no passado, WAS, não foi utilizado.
CEPOS: The Danish Centre for Political Studies, also known as CEPOS, is an independent research institution recognized under the Danish state, which works as a classical liberal/free-market conservative think-tank in Denmark.
Town Hall square in Copenhagen.
Inspired by institutions such as The Brookings Institution, American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Adam Smith Institute, Institute of Economic Affairs etc., CEPOS was founded on March 11, 2004 by a number of high-profile representatives of Danish academia, business, media and the arts including former Defense Minister, Chamberlain at Her Majesty’s Court and Master of the Royal Hunt, Bernt Johan Collet who became Chairman of the Board.
Other prominent co-founders include former Prime Minister Poul Schlüter, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, university professors Nicolai Juul Foss, Jesper Lau Hansen, Bent Jensen and Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard as well as well-known journalists Bent Blüdnikow and Samuel Rachlin and cultural personalities such as Bent Fabricius-Bjerre and Michael Laudrup. Martin Ågerup was hired in 2005 as the think tank’s CEO.
During the summer of 2004, the new Board managed to bring in the necessary grants and contributions from foundations, corporations, and individual sponsors. At a meeting on October 2, 2004, the founders confirmed their decision to establish the think-tank, CEPOS. The official opening of CEPOS took place on March 10, 2005 at Hotel D'Angleterre.
CEPOS is dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of a free and prosperous society by supporting tax-cuts, limited government, private enterprise as well as vital cultural and political institutions. The research of CEPOS supports a civil society consisting of free and responsible individuals and fosters policies, institutions and culture supportive of free market economy, the rule of law, and a civil society consisting of free and responsible individuals.
CEPOS is dedicated to furthering personal and economic freedom and the rule of law in Denmark, and is recognized by the Danish state as an official research institution, a title only given institutions that produce knowledge of equal quality to that of Danish universities. It is a known advocate of school choice, a more open immigration, lower taxes and less regulation, and a known opponent of increased public surveillance, anti-terrorism laws that curtail civil liberties and criminalizing victimless crime. CEPOS produces both academic research and policy analyses on a wide range of issues, including education, immigration, legal reform, taxation, regulation and the public sector. They host numerous conferences a year and have attracted high-level speakers, including Robert Barro, George Borjas, Nobel Laureate Edward Prescott, Nobel Laureate Gary Becker, Sir Nigel Lawson and many others.
CEPOS has been described as a leading and serious voice in the Danish debate on taxation, regulation, and welfare, as well as schools, education and integration and are frequently quoted in the media, with over 5000 media clips amassed over their 4 years in operation, and was described by the Danish business magazine BNY in 2007 as being "in charge of the public debate"
CEPOS is the Danish participant in The Economic Freedom of the World Project as well as the International Property Rights Index.
Segunda frase da manchete: Forbidden to Leave Cuba.
A common form of transport, human-powered, in Havana.
Nessa segunda frase da manchete o sujeito da oração (Cuban Blogger Yoani Sánchez) foi omitido.
Além disso, a locução verbal (foi proibida) aparece pela metade: em vez de constar a forma was forbidden, constou apenas a palavra forbidden (proibida).
A oração completa seria assim: YOANI SÁNCHEZ WAS FORBIDDEN TO LEAVE CUBA.
Melhor ainda seria assim:
Yoani Sánchez was forbidden to leave Cuba by two senile, decrypt, outdated communist dictators who insist on keeping themselves in power while dictatorships around the world fall apart as days go by.
A terceira frase da manchete: Ceremony To Take Place May 5, 2011 in Copenhagen, em inglês formal seria assim: The ceremony will take place on May 5th, 2011 in Copenhagen.
Para entender manchetes é necessário ser capaz de imaginar qual seria a forma correta (formal) do que está escrito. Esta é a razão da dificuldade que estrangeiros têm ao ler jornais: as manchetes, em vez de estimular a leitura do artigo, acabam desanimando o leitor.
Solução: insistir na leitura do artigo para ver se é possível, através da leitura do artigo, deduzir o sentido da manchete.
Outro conselho: se você já se comunica razoavelmente bem em inglês, além de ler artigos, livros, etc., em inglês, aconselho a ver filmes falados em inglês com as legendas, em inglês, devidamente ativadas. Eu não tenho dúvidas de que, para quem já atingiu o ponto de não retorno, esta é a melhor atividade para aumentar o vocabulário. E para os alunos que ainda não atingiram o ponto de não retorno, aconselho-os a se dedicar a atingir essa meta.
Em nossa próxima aula, continuaremos estudando o artigo sobre mais uma vítima dos abomináveis e decrépitos monstros do Caribe. Será que a nossa deputada (do PT) e Ministra dos Direitos Humanos não poderia dar uns conselhos sobre direitos humanos para estes monstrengos cubanos?
Provavelmente não. Mas eles não perdem por esperar por uma primavera caribenha.
Have an excellent weekend.
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