Roberto Henry Ebelt
28/10/2016 | BANDWITH & Bad Business Practices.
BANDWIDTH (literalmente LARGURA da BANDA); seu significado é:
Rate at which electronic signals can travel through a medium, such as a wire, cable, or channel. Bandwidth may be thought of as the width of the 'pipe' through which data travels: greater the width, larger the amount of data that can flow through it. Technically, it means the difference between two frequencies. In analog transmission (such as of voice signals over copper telephone lines) bandwidth is measured in cycles per second (or Hertz); for example, a telephone conversation requires about 4,000 Hertz (4KHz) of bandwidth. In digital transmission (such as of data from one computer to another) bandwidth is measured in bits per second (BPS); for example, modern modems can send and receive data at 56,000 bps (56 Kbps) over ordinary telephone lines.
For the same amount of data, digital transmission requires more bandwidth than the analog transmission, and different types of data require very different bandwidths. For example, full motion video normally requires about 10 million bits per second (10 Mbps) bandwidth which is sufficient to carry 1,200 simultaneous telephone conversations.
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Em 2012 reproduzi aqui uma série de BAD BUSINESS PRACTICES. Eram doze exemplos de más práticas de negócios que muitos acham que não são tão ruins assim até se tornarem vítimas de uma delas. O autor é um advogado americano chamado Trey Ryder, e suas palestras e cursos (em inglês, é claro) são muito interessantes. Revisemos, pois, a primeira prática em sua lista:
Surprising your client by adding unexpected expenses or fees to his bill.
Personally, few things raise my blood pressure more quickly than unexpected charges -- or charges that exceed the estimate.
Money is a hot button for lots of people -- and one that many business people don't feel comfortable discussing.(Hot button, literalmente um botão quente, mas sua melhor tradução, neste caso, seria “assunto extremamente delicado e propício a gerar dicussões e desentendimentos”).
As a result, when you send the bill to your client, the subject that was not well discussed in advance is now very well documented, often down to the last photocopy.
The client thinks, "Obviously, the professional, lawyer, doctor, architect knew in advance how he or she would charge.
Anyone certainly would have appreciated an explanation out front, before incurring the obligation.
BETTER: Never surprise anyone with issues relating to money. Discuss everything clearly and in advance.
If the legal situation changes, discuss immediately how that will change the financial picture between you and your client.
Do not elect to sort it out (classify) later. When later gets here, you can bet that one of you will not be happy with the outcome,
You prevent problems when you and your client have a clear understanding about money -- up front! (UP FRONT = in the beginning).
Observação minha: quem contrata um serviço qualquer, seja intelectual ou braçal, também precisa se acautelar, sempre exigindo um orçamento por escrito da parte que vai executar o serviço.
Think about it, and have an excellent weekend.
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