Roberto Henry Ebelt
02/09/2016 | Partidos de Trabalhadores e suas incestuosas conexões com grandes empresas.
Para surpresa dos que se admiram das relações incestuosas do PT com grandes empreiteiras e um gigante (agora anão) da área petrolífera é interessante lembrar que essa prática não foi inventada pelo tão mal falado e desacreditado PT brasileiro. Esta abominável prática de Lula e Dilma, de se acasalarem com os maiores grupos econômicos do país, foi inaugurada por outro Partido dos Trabalhadores, o infeliz contraponto ao nosso, a saber, o Partido dos Trabalhadores Alemães. (The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 that practiced Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920).
Um dos primeiros grupos empresariais alemães a se juntar com quem jamais deveria se associar, pois deste tipo de casamento só nascem aberrações, foi um famoso conhecido nosso. Veja, no texto de Teodor Birsa:
Hugo Boss.
Observem a beleza dos uniformes nazistas.
A título de curiosidade, vejam outras companhias que tiveram forte relacionamento com os petistas alemães:
Kodak. During World War Two, Kodak's German branch used slave laborers from concentration camps. Several of their other European branches did heavy business with the Nazi government. Wilhelm Keppler, one of Hitler's top economic advisers, had deep ties in Kodak. When Nazism began, Keppler advised Kodak and several other U.S. companies that they'd benefit by firing all of their Jewish employees. (Source: The Nation)
Volkswagen. Ferdinand Porsche, the man behind Volkswagen and Porsche, met with Hitler in 1934, to discuss the creation of a "people's car." Hitler told Porsche to make the car with a streamlined shape, "like a beetle." And that's the genesis of the Volkswagen Beetle... it wasn't just designed for the Nazis, Hitler NAMED it. During World War Two, it's believed that as many as four out of every five workers at Volkswagen's plants were slave laborers. Ferdinand Porsche even had a direct connection to Heinrich Himmler, one of the leaders of the SS, to directly request slaves from Auschwitz. (Source: The Straight Dope)
Bayer. During the Holocaust, a German company called IG Farben manufactured the Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi gas chambers. They also funded and helped with Josef Mengele's "experiments" on concentration camp prisoners.
IG Farben is the company that turned the single largest profit from work with the Nazis. After the War, the company was broken up. Bayer was one of its divisions, and went on to become its own company. Aspirin was formulated by a Bayer employee, Arthur Eichengrun. But Eichengrun was Jewish, and Bayer didn't want to admit that a Jewish guy created the one product that keeps their company in business. So, to this day, Bayer officially gives credit to Felix Hoffman, a nice Aryan man, for inventing aspirin. (Source: Alliance for Human Research Protection, Pharmaceutical Achievers)
Siemens. Siemens took slave laborers during the Holocaust and had them help construct the gas chambers that would kill them and their families.
Coca-Cola, specifically Fanta. Coke played both sides during World War Two. They supported the American troops but also kept making soda for the Nazis. Then, in 1941, the German branch of Coke ran out of syrup, and couldn't get any from America because of wartime restrictions, so they invented Fanta.
Notice how dangerous it is to relate a brand name to a political party.
Ford. Henry Ford is a pretty legendary anti-Semite. He was Hitler's most famous foreign backer. On his 75th birthday, in 1938, Ford received a Nazi medal, designed for "distinguished foreigners."
Standard Oil. The Luftwaffe needed tetraethyl lead gas in order to get their planes off the ground. Standard Oil was one of only three companies that could manufacture that type of fuel. So they did. Without them, the German air force never could have even gotten their planes off the ground.
Chase Bank. A lot of banks sided with the Nazis during World War Two. Chase is the most prominent. They froze European Jewish customers' accounts and were extremely cooperative in providing banking service to Germany. (Source: New York Times)
IBM. IBM custom-build machines for the Nazis that they could use to track everything... from oil supplies to train schedules into death camps to Jewish bank accounts.
O texto acima foi obtido de: e vale como curiosidade e admoestação sobre relações incestuosas entre governos e empresas. Pior ainda é quando um país, como o Brasil, possui tantas empresas estatais, como a Petrobrás, que podem, facilmente, se transformar em fonte de recursos ilimitados para manter determinado partido no poder, como o que aconteceu nos últimos treze anos. Aos simpatizantes do PT é bom lembrar que empresas estatais podem ser, e já foram durante o regime militar, usadas contra os adversários de quem está no poder. Empresas estatais constituem-se, portanto, em um dos maiores erros tanto de política econômica e como de segurança nacional. Urge que se privatize totalmente todas as empresas estatais brasileiras, exceto aquelas que não despertam interesse da iniciativa privada de desenvolver r que são de interesse nacional.
That’s all for today. If you have questions, send me an e-mail or get in touch through FB:
Have an excellent week.
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